Aika: 7.-8.3.2013
Paikka: M/S Bore, Turku (www.msborea.fi)
- Jarmo Nieminen, Progress Software (www.progress.com)
- Gus Björklund, Progress Software
- Klaus Erichsen, IAP (www.iap.de)
- Robert Prediger, web4biz Consulting (www.web4biz.de/en)
torstai 7.3.2013
09.00 Ilmoittautuminen ja aamukahvi
Progress Softwaren aamupäivä:
09.30 Jarmo Nieminen:
- OpenEdge ja Corticon
- OpenEdge 11.2 ja mobiililaitteet
11.30 Lounas Ravintola Kristiinassa.
12.30 Gus Björklund:
• OpenEdge for Mobile Devices
13.45 Robert Prediger:
• Node.js talking to Progress – or more options for web development with OpenEdge
15.00 Yhdistyksen vuosikokous + kahvit. Check in. Hyttiavaimet majoittujille.
15.30 Klaus Erichsen,
• HTML5 - Features and Demonstration
16.45 Robert Prediger,
• Node.JS talking to Progress, go deeper (demo)
18.00 Kokous päättyy
19.30 Illallinen ravintola Kotkassa
- FinPUG ry. 20 vuotta
perjantai 8.3.2013
08.00 Aamiainen
09.00 Gus Björklund
- The 4GL in OpenEdge 11
10.30 Klaus Erichsen,
- OF-1 - Native App with ABL
12.00 Lounas ja tilaisuuden päätös. Hyttien luovutus.
Muutokset mahdollisia.
Progress Software:n aamupäivä
Huom. Tähän osuuteen on mahdollisuus osallistua ilman ilmoittautumista FinPUG 2013 ohjelmaan.
OpenEdge ja Corticon (liiketoiminnan sääntöjen ylläpito)
Liiketoiminnan sääntöjen ulkoistaminen Corticon-tuotteella on Progressin ratkaisu, jolla OpenEdge-sovelluksista tehdään ketterämpiä. Sovellusten sisältämiä toimintasääntöjä ja business-logiikkaa voidaan määritellä sovelluksen kehittämissyklin ulkopuolella.
Esityksessä näytetään, miten tämä toimii käytän.
OpenEdge 11.2 ja mobiililaitteet
Pääpaino OpenEdge 11.2 versiossa on mobiiliteknologiassa. Istunnon aikana näet, miten käytännössä kehitetään OpenEdge mobiilisovelluksia ja miten drag & drop-tekniikalla luodaan käyttöliityntä mobiililaitteisiin.
< >Standardeihin perustuva ratkaisuTukee eri laitteitaJoustavat asennusvaihtoehdot (Web App ja Hybrid App)Ei tarvetta laitekohtaisten kielten tai kehitysympäristöjen opetteluun.OpenEdge for Mobile Devices
In this talk we will introduce Progress' OpenEdge strategy for supporting mobile devices and mobile web and describe the new enhancements for tablets and phones in the brand new 11.2 release. We will discuss options related to WebSpeed and AppServer, and review application architectures that are implemented using native toolkits, HTML5, and hybrid approaches. The discussion will show some examples of applications and discuss plans for mobile/web support in future releases.
The 4GL in OpenEdge 11
Gus Björklund is a geek who has been at Progress Software since 1989. Currently an Architect in the OpenEdge PRODUCT group, he spends his time on best practices, evangelism, assisting the product marketing folks, and working with the OpenEdge product architects on new stuff.
Over the years Gus has worked on many different parts of the OpenEdge product, starting with version 4.2N. He has also worked with many of the other product development groups at Progress and for several years was part of the Corporate Strategy and Business Development group.
His main focus at Progress has been on the OpenEdge RDBMS. He believes that it is "the best RDBMS on the third planet from the sun" and likes to use Linux and Mac OS X. While he has heard that there are other programming languages, he has strong affinity for the 4GL but still refuses to call it by its current name, the ABL.
Get an overview of the latest and greatest updates to the 4GL. The session addresses the full menu of new facilities in OpenEdge 11.0, 11.1, 11.2, and plans for the future. The talk will describe features such as using .NET bridge beyond GUI, language support for multi-tenancy, XML/JSON support, and 4GL performance enhancements. Additional enhancements planned for future OpenEdge releases also be discussed.
HTML5 - Features and Demonstration
HTML5 is a feature and technology icebereg with multiple levels - you cannot see the whole picture easily.
The session will go short though the history of HTML five, then it covers the most important features with stunning live examples. It will turn out that besides great technical features there are great obstacles. But the cavalry is near: libraries and frameworks help to overcome them.
A demo will show how to combine a common HTML5 UI framework with OpenEdge. The source code will be reviewed.
OF-1 - Native App with ABL
The framework OF-1 brings "Any Platform, Any Device and Any Cloud" and much more with a common source for all UIs. OF-1 promises you to do ALL programming in one language: ABL.
The first part is a feature overview and an short demonstration.
The second part will show in detail how we resolved the Multi-UI issues, e.g. how UI user code will work the same in .NET, HTML5 and App. I will take the brand new OF-1 native Skin-Client App for iOS and Android as example. Hint: Source code will be visible :)
Klaus Erichsen studied electro technique until 1989, then immediately worked as software developer with 4GL. He co founded IAP in 1993, tuned databases, created applications and frameworks together with his colleagues.
Today he does system design, load testing, db tuning and marketing. Web technologies and web trends are always in his scope of attention.
IAP provides consulting services and technical solutions with an emphasis on Progress® OpenEdge®. Since 1993, we have been operating successfully in Germany and abroad and constantly expanding our range of services.
The OF-1 Framework is simple and straightforward. Your developers will be able to use OF-1 effectively and efficiently within days. Because of this shallow learning curve your company can focus on production to regain competitive edge..
Node.js talking to Progress – or more options for web development with OpenEdge
The web world is moving very fast. HTML5, mobile apps, web sockets, there are a lot of things changing. Meanwhile a web user interface is able to do the same job than a native one. A reason to throw your Progress applications away and switch? No it's not. But it would be perfect if we could combine these with Progress techniques.
This session will show, what makes Node.JS different from Webspeed. It will show the cons and pros and how you'd be able to combine them with the world of Progress..
Robert Prediger
More than 25 years experience in managing software projects, thereof 18 years experience in Progress development (GUI, AppServer) and more than 12 years experience in developing web- and mobile-applications and portals (Webspeed, node.js)..
web4biz - Dynamize your content
web4biz is your platform for business websites that combines ease of use with scalable functions for enterprise, marketing and web content management (ECMS), Marketing Content Management and Web Content Management (WCMS).
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
A. Ohjelma, ateriat ja majoitus (1 hh) = 340 €.
B. Ohjelma, ateriat ja majoitus (2 hh) = 310 €.
C. Ohjelma ja illallinen ilman majoitusta = 205 €.
D. Ohjelma ilman aterioita ja majoitusta = 130 €.
Finland Progress Users Group r.y. www.finpug.fi
Finland Progress Users Group on rekisteröity Progress-käyttäjäyhdistys. Yhdistys on aktiivinen ja riippumaton ryhmä, jossa on tällä hetkellä lähes 300 jäsentä. Tavoitteena on vaihtaa kokemuksia ja tietoja koskien Progress-tuotteita ja -sovelluksia.
Yhdistys on tarkoitettu Progress-käyttäjille ja Progressista kiinnostuneille yksityisille henkilöille.
Progress Software Corporation www.progress.com
Progress Software Corporation (NASDAQ: PRGS) is a global software company that simplifies the development, deployment and management of business applications on-premise or on any Cloud, on any platform and on any device with minimal IT complexity and low total cost of ownership.