"Business Application Evolution"
Ferry Princess Anastasia, Helsinki and Petro Palace Hotel, Saint-Petersburg / OAK ROOM
- Klaus Erichsen, IAP GmbH
- Matti Väänänen Digia Oyj
- Patrik Wikström Digia Oyj
- Paul Koufalis, White Star Software LLC
- Marko Myllymäki,
- Marek Bujnarowski, Progress Software Corporation
- Brent Adonis, Progress Software Corporation
- Valeriy Bashkatov, Progress Technologies
Thursday, May 23rd, 2019
Ferry Princess Anastasia - Meeting Facilities:
13.00 Welcome, opening, housekeeping
13.15 Modernization project analysis: We found pattern! - Klaus Erichsen
14.15 Showcasing DigiaFramework Web UI – Matti Väänänen and Patrik Wikström
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Progress 4GL Code Performance: You don't know <beep> about Indexes - Paul Koufalis
16.30 The Case Study of Modernizing the Application – CGI Profio360 – Marko Myllymäki
17.15 Managed Database Administration - Marek Bujnarowski
18.00 Closing of the meeting
19.00 Buffet Dinner, evening program, interviews, lottery
Spouses and avecs must be in ferry no later than at 18. But, come earlier.
Friday, May 24th, 2019
08.00 Buffet Breakfast
09.00 Passport Check, Transport to Conference Hotel - Sight Seeing
Petro Palace Hotel – Oak Room - Meeting Facilities:
11.00 What’s new in OpenEdge 12 – Brent Adonis
12.00 OO Pattern for ABL – Klaus Erichsen
13.00 Business lunch
14.00 Leveraging ProTop in Your Dev, Test and Production Environments - Paul Koufalis
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Experience of Using Pro2Oracle + OE CDC - Valeriy Bashkatov
16.15 Data Management – Marek Bujnarowski and Brent Adonis
17.00 Closing of the meeting
19.00 The ship leaves for Helsinki.
19.00 Buffet Dinner
08.00 Breakfast, Arrival in Helsinki (Saturday, May 25th)
Travel extension
Willing participants stay in St. Petersburg for the weekend when:
Friday, May 24th, 2019
19.00 Evening entertainment / dinner - CRAFT BREW CAFÉ, Malaya Morskay, 15
Sunday, May 26th, 2019
18.00 The ship leaves for Helsinki.
19.00 Buffet Dinner
07.00 Breakfast, Arrival in Helsinki (Monday, May 27th)
Program changes are possible.
An updated program that includes presentation descriptions and speakers:
Weekend in St. Petersburg
It is possible to stay for two days and spend a weekend in Saint Petersburg, one of the most fascinating cities in the world, including with your spouse. You don’t need a visa, if you return in our ferry group on Sunday 26th May.
In this case, everyone will book their own accommodation.
The common program is evening entertainment and dinner on Friday.
Participation fees (23dr – 25th May)
FinPUG member: 300 €
Conference program, 2 dinners, 2 coffees, 2 breakfasts, lunch and accommodation (Double cabins)
Spouse/Avec: 200 €
2 dinners, 2 breakfasts and accommodation (Double cabins)
Price reduction:
FinPUG member from same company (unit), 2nd, 3rd etc. participant: - 40 €
Price increases:
Travel extension (23dr – 27th May): + 20 €
Single cabins: + 70 €
Foreign PUG member: + 50 €
Registration - no later than Friday, May 10, 2019 at: www.finpug.fi/jasensivut
The number of cabins is limited. Make sure you participate by signing up as early as possible.
Passports must be valid six months after the travel.
Note: Only FinPUG members can register at the registration site. You can and should register your spouses and avecs.
Your Member ID and Username are your email address; you can order the password of email address. If the email address is not recognized as a member, you must first join using the member's link as a "Jäseneksi".
We hope that you will be able to provide information about this event to all of your colleagues, for example by sending this message to all Progress people in your organization.
FinPUG ry. - the Board